Thursday, February 4, 2010

Testing 3,2,1...

Hypothesis is a proposed explanation for an observable phenomenon. Experiments have to be conducted to justify the explanation. Thus, we had our first test run!
Oh yeah, according to some lecturers here, reports should be done in paragraph form, like thesis...So, this is it!

Title: Hypothesis Test Drive 1

Date: 27 January 2010 ( Wednesday)
Time: 1400-1700
Venue: School of Mechanical Engineering

What We Want:
To test the dynamics and mechanism of Hypothesis, and to get the drivers behind the wheels!

What We Did!
First, a quick roll call was carried out to check the presence of the drivers and members involved in this test run. Next, the height and weight of all drivers (primary and reserves) are taken and recorded. (data is taken 3 times and an average....bla bla bla). All 6 drivers then took turns to test the ergonomics of the cockpit and the vehicle.

Part 2, a mini test run had been carried out to test the mechanism of the running gears i.e. steering, rear wheels, brakes. The full test run methods however cannot be revealed here.

It has been a fruitful day as we managed to achieve our objectives. The car showed some negative results in some area. Targets of and ideal vehicle are yet to be achieved. But, bear in mind, what is down will go up!
We're glad to have this test run cause we finally managed to identify some areas in this car for further improvement.

So, dear SHELL, wait for it.....!


Driver in the cockpit!

Video recording in progress

Testing the mechanism of brake calipers

Checking the alignment of the sprocket and chain

From start to finish!